Significant experiences of inclusion from gender education in youth and adults


  • Aurora García Universidad de Holguín
  • Yudith Laura Ferreiro Fuentes Universidad de Holguín
  • Anabel Naranjo Paz Investigadora independiente
  • Maritza Quilez Mayo Investigadora independiente


Significant experience, gender approach, inclusive education, Youth and Adult Education


The presented results are constituted of significant experiences in Youth and Adult Education, from the inclusive and gender approaches in the Cuban education, with the necessary attention to diversity, contributing to the solution of problems related to discrepancies in social relations that alienate and discriminate people for gender reasons. This theoretical and empirical systematization is assumed from a socio-critical approach that incorporates historical, contextual and evaluative criteria with a holistic vision. The results derive from a strategic alliance between the Department of Youth and Adult Education (EDJA), the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) and the Chair of Gender, Family and Health of the University of Holguin. The two experiences reported here are centered, on the one hand, in penitentiary establishments and, on the other hand, in the Women’s and Family Orientation Houses, with the participation of teachers, educational ins- tructors, specialists and students. Testimonies and experiences of people who have been beneficia- ries of these projects and programs with a gender mainstreaming approach were recorded, and reflect a transforming capacity related to the real exercise of Youth and Adult Education in the territory.


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“Es importante que como educadores no visualicemos la inclusión como un planteamiento reduccionista únicamente centrado en la discapacidad. La inclusión va más allá, cruza y toca a todos los ciudadanos, se hace responsable por transformarlas estructuras educativa y sociales que han contribuido a relegar a múltiples personas de este derecho… ” “… La educación inclusiva es un modelo que asume la heterogeneidad y la diversidad de todas las personas. …”
"Demanda la atención de las necesidades de aprendizaje, las historias de vida, la articulación de las vías formales y no formales y la estimulación del papel activo con el respeto y la dignificación de las personas involucradas… adopta los retos que la contemporaneidad establece, que apuntan a la búsqueda de nuevas vías y metodología de educación cada vez más inclusiva"



How to Cite

García, A., Ferreiro Fuentes, Y. L. ., Naranjo Paz, A. ., & Quilez Mayo, M. . (2022). Significant experiences of inclusion from gender education in youth and adults. Mamakuna, (18), 56–66. Retrieved from