The sensitivity to detect problems from reading


  • Madelin Rodríguez Rensoli
  • Wilfredo García Felipe


To understand the essence of the environmental problems that the planet earth suffers, implies the analysis and reflection of the natural processes that occur there. The efforts made by teachers in the search for ways and methods to achieve effective environmental education towards sustainable development, implies the implementation of learning methodologies that promote knowledge of the conceptual elements that revolve around this issue of global priority. In Latin America, there are more intense evaluations based on the development of sensitivity towards environmental problems, expressed in works carried out by authors such as: Teitelbaum A. (1978), Naina Pierri E. (1999), González M. C. (2002), among others. In this sense, the use of reading on topics related to environmental education and critical reflection on the causes, consequences and consequences of man's deliberate action towards his environment contribute to a better understanding of the problem. Reading has an emotional component, which leads to experiencing feelings of love, hate, sadness, and joy, among others. The motivational states in students to assume a certain attitude before environmental problems are based on the sensitivity to evaluate circumstances, a human faculty recognized by many authors as a primary intellectual aptitude, among them: Torrance, E.P. (1976), Matussek P. (1977), Logan, L.M, V.G. Logan (1980), Lowenfeld, V. and W.Lambert (1980) Salvador de la Torre (1982), Guilford J.P. (1980), and based from the psycho-pedagogical point of view on one of the principles of intellectual stimulation, for the stimulation of sensitivity to evaluate circumstances (Daudinot Betancourt, 2003). Reading constitutes one of the forms of appropriation of reality, interpreting, assimilating and reflecting the world. It contributes to form values from the expression, the valuation and the knowledge with the intention of Madelin Rodríguez Rensoli and Wilfredo García Felipe to teach and to amuse. Vygotsky points out that in each work it is possible to discover specific values that are transmitted or communicated to the reader through the use of certain socially recognizable symbols, such as greed, courage, honesty or self-denial, which are often expressed through paradigmatic actions or characters. His cultural background leads him to understand that literature always provides some teaching, minor or major, on human behaviour.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Rensoli, M. ., & García Felipe, W. . (2016). The sensitivity to detect problems from reading . Mamakuna, (3), 90–95. Retrieved from

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