Participatory action research: a tool for rebuilding housing and the social fabric
investigación acción participativa, educación popular, tejido social, reconstrucción social de viviendas, resiliencia socialAbstract
Participatory action research is defined as a process in which oppressed groups interact to collect data, interpret them and propose solutions to social problems. The aim of this article is to share the experience of a PRA process with a university intervention in a rural community in the state of Mexico, damaged by the earthquakes of 19 September 2017. In Santiago Mamalhuazuca, in the municipality of Ozumba, the town council did not declare a state of emergency. Based on an organized popular demand, various actors intervened in the community, causing the disintegration of the social fabric, individual dynamics and greater inequalities and injustices among the population. A group of affected people united in the Neighbourhood Council, with the help of a university, the parish priest and two civil organizations, led a process of rebuilding the social fabric with actions of diagnosis, repair and social reconstruction of housing.
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