The taptana as a tool for teaching mathematics in Basic Education: teachers’ experiences



Mathematics, etnoeducation, didactic, basic education


The use of the taptana as a pedagogical tool shows that mathematics can be approached from cultural perspectives such as the cañari. This research analyses the relationship between this tool and teachers’ experiences in teaching mathematics. For the development of this article, an interview was carried out with two objectives: the teachers’ perceptions of the contribution of taptana to the learning of addition, subtraction and mathematical skills, and the analysis of their opinions on its ease of use and suggestions for its application. The results indicate that taptana is an easy-to-use tool that reinforces the learning of basic operations and facilitates the development of students’ logical thinking, abstraction, participation and cooperative sense. In addition, the participating teachers highlighted taptana’s adaptability to distinct levels of difficulty and its ability to increase students’ motivation and sense of cultural identity. 


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How to Cite

Cabrera Peñaloza, V., & Bojorque Iñegues, G. (2024). The taptana as a tool for teaching mathematics in Basic Education: teachers’ experiences . Mamakuna, (23), 7–20. Retrieved from