Building learning experiences for all students: contributions of universal design of learning and design thinking



inclusive education, universal design for learning, design thinking, learning experiences, innovative proposals


This article presents the results of a qualitative study based on the perceptions of teachers who took part in the workshop Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje y Design Thinking para la Generación de Experiencias de Aprendizaje Inclusivas. The research affirms that a new epistemological foundation for inclusive education must be built based on the diversity of people. It also investigates the relevance of applying innovative processes and methodological approaches in education. At the same time, it evaluates the use of universal design for learning (UDL) and design thinking for teachers to build didactic experiences that allow all students to learn together. Finally, it is highlighted that they have the potential to have a positive impact on teachers' perceptions of innovation as part of their practice.


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How to Cite

Arciniegas Sigüenza, M. L., Klein Bermeo, C., Mogrovejo Cárdenas, C. P., & Portal Molerio, D. (2023). Building learning experiences for all students: contributions of universal design of learning and design thinking. Mamakuna, (21), 95–109. Retrieved from