Initial Education Teachers Discourse on the Training to Use Uña Taptana Resource Through a Virtual Scenario
number sense, mathematics, teachers, inicial education, concrete materialAbstract
The confinement caused by Covid-19 forced teachers to carry out pedagogical transformations that generated the use of new virtual scenarios. This work is part of a broader investigation called Number Sense in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education: Ethnomathematical Process of Counting. The experience included a period of virtual development training on the use uña taptana material. The qualitative methodology presented the speech two focus groups of early childhood education teachers about the virtual teaching-learning process and the use of uña taptana resource for the development of number sense in students. The results showed on this speech about the didactic resource contain: a learning strategy, an innovative resource, and as a methodological process that was developed for work with students in a virtual classroom, to understand how the cognitive processes of classification, ordering and sequencing are promoted from manipulation and experimentation that uña taptana allows to fostering the understanding of how mathema- tical thinking is built in early childhood, and how this construction is enhanced by the collaboration between tutors who must design teaching and learning strategies. However, teachers have not yet been able to develop one-to-one correspondence and structured and unstructured counting.
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