Education in Emergencies: Challenges in Pandemic Times, Napo case study


  • María Belén Gómez Ninguna
  • Olga Sacta None


Education experiences, pandemic education, Napo education, , contextualized practices, contextualized practices


This article aims to present in a critical and detailed way some of the realities of education in times of health emergency in the province of Napo-Ecuador. The study addresses the context before and during the pandemic, through elements such as connectivity, training and the role of the teacher, modalities of studies and pedagogical practices. For this, a qualitative approach research was developed through the systematization of experiences of 100 teachers in the province, between 34 and 59 years of age, who work in hispanic and bilingual schools, in urban and rural areas. Through the analysis of the results, the following conclusions were reached: 1) the narrated and systematized experiences indicate how the right to a quality education has been violated, 2) the teaching role must be (re) thought from the current educational approach, 3) the pedagogical and curricular proposals raised in the state of emergency still need to be reviewed and improved from the axes of connectivity, pedagogical support, interculturality and bilingualism. Therefore, education in Napo requires proposing plans and strategies from the fields of teacher training, access to resources and techno-pedagogical tools. In addition, it is necessary to reflect on the nature of the investigations carried out from the territory of Napo itself, to create spaces for dialogue in research from a socio-community approach.


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Author Biography

Olga Sacta, None

Olga Ruth Sacta has a degree in Basic General Education with a minor in Language and Literature. She currently works as a teacher tutor in the teacher professionalization program in the Amazon region, at the Napo Tena Support Center.


A continuación se exponen todas las referencias usadas para las citas en el artículo:
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INEC. (2010). “Resultados definitivos: Censo de la Población”. Quito, Ecuador.
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Ministerio de Educación (2020). Plan Educativo Aprendemos Juntos en Casa. Quito-Ecuador.
Ministerio de Educación (2021). Registros Administrativos 2020-2021. Quito-Ecuador.
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Unicef. (2020). Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en América Latina: Avances y retrocesos en el marco de la pandemia de la COVID-19.



How to Cite

Gómez, M. B., & Sacta, O. (2021). Education in Emergencies: Challenges in Pandemic Times, Napo case study. Mamakuna, (17), 67–77. Retrieved from