Project-Based Learning from a teacher’s perspective


  • Paola Margarita Calderón Solís Docente
  • Héctor Jacinto Loja Tacuri Docente


Mathematics, Project-Based Learning, pedagogical strategies


In the teaching-learning environment the right use of pedagogical strategies is vital. Therefore, the effectiveness of these teaching methodologies of basic subjects such as mathematics is a key aspect to explore. In that matter the following project take a close up look at the Project-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogical strategy based on the teaching experience. The following investigation uses a mixed character quali-quantitative approach with a questionnaire based on open and closed questions, the participants are all female. With this work we obtained clear data that can help contrast other investigations who also embody the importance of this methodology. It’s noticeable that PBL is an efficient pedagogical strategy to teach mathematics and also it helps to improve group work and personal growth in the students. However, one of the greatest challenges for the implementation of this strategy is the shallow training that teachers have regarding this one.


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How to Cite

Calderón Solís, P. M., & Loja Tacuri, H. J. (2021). Project-Based Learning from a teacher’s perspective. Mamakuna, (17), 49–56. Retrieved from