Digital modules for sensory and motor stimulation in children from 2 to 5 years old.



disability, multisensory module, software, stimulation


This article presents the results of the research developed with the objective of designing two digital modules for sensory and motor stimulation in children from 2 to 5 years old. The modules were designed through a Java software that allows to keep records and track the evolution of the child's development. Both modules were designed by a dynamic digital staircase for strengthening the trunk and limbs and a system for motor development based on a wall walker. The project was carried out with a theoretical-practical methodology for which documentary information was used to support the development of the modules. The conclusion is that the multisensory modules promote mobility, concentration, learning and interaction in children and auditory, visual and tactile development.


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How to Cite

Pazmiño, J., Jiménez González, L. L., & Perazzo Logioia , D. C. (2021). Digital modules for sensory and motor stimulation in children from 2 to 5 years old . Mamakuna, (16), 18–26. Retrieved from