A look at pre-professional practice in Early Education in the virtual modality


  • Joana Valeria Abad Calle UNAE
  • María Gladys Cochancela Patiño Universidad Nacional de Educación


Practice, Initial Education, Virtuality


The pre-professional practice from a virtual modality changed the comfort zone of most teachers in the country and the world, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge to propose a virtual education allowed the development of pre-professional practices of the National University of Education through a virtual practice plan, which allowed to continue with the Initial Education of the youngest of the educational system and to sustain an agreement and commitment to support the teachers of the Ministry of Education and Decentralized Autonomous Governments of Cuenca and Cañar, contributing positive experiences to the current educational system.
In the role of researchers and teachers interested in early education, it is important to highlight the responses of student practitioners who have experienced virtual education from the contribution of ICT and TAC, this information was obtained through the application of a survey to obtain the assessments of the process of practices through virtuality, so this research has a qualitative approach, in order to describe the assessments of students, in addition to the benefits they have experienced from the trajectory of a different educational practice. COVID19 has destabilized us, but at the same time it has allowed us to recreate, innovate and propose emerging and concrete processes that favor the initial level when the attitude and the desire to learn to teach prevails.


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How to Cite

Abad Calle, J. V., & Cochancela Patiño , M. G. . (2021). A look at pre-professional practice in Early Education in the virtual modality. Mamakuna, (16), 39–46. Retrieved from https://revistas.unae.edu.ec/index.php/mamakuna/article/view/458