From blackboards to screens, a teaching challenge in Ecuador


  • Tatiana Coronel 0103319489


virtual education, pandemic due to COVID-19, research, technology


This article is oriented to the analysis of the educational system in Ecuador in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The face-to-face school management has transferred almost all its processes to virtuality, an issue that brings great challenges for teachers, such as: continuous training, cooperative work, emotional containment, technology management, among other aspects that in this new educational context are beginning to be analyzed. This article addresses, by several authors, criteria related to advantages and disadvantages of virtual education; in addition to some considerations about learning through screens in a real context, with a critical and reflective view from the teaching position, because keeping students connected and learning is not an easy task, especially when some of them do not have connectivity, noting the digital divide with an inequitable reality reflected outside the classroom.


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How to Cite

Coronel, T. (2021). From blackboards to screens, a teaching challenge in Ecuador. Mamakuna, (16), 48–55. Retrieved from