Virtual preprofessional practices at the National University of Education UNAE


  • Liliana de la Caridad Molerio Rosa Liy Liliana Molerio
  • Odalys Fraga Luque Universidad Nacional de Educación
  • Marco Vinicio Vásquez Bernal


Formación, prácticas preprofesionales virtuales, emergencia sanitaria, práctica educativa, crisis


The virtual pre-professional practices developed at the National University of Education during the health emergency decreed in the country by COVID-19, constitute a necessary alternative for the practical training of students at school. The proposed objective has two intentions: to include the period of curricular virtual practices in the field of pre-professional praxis of all careers and to offer the opportunity of training the teacher-researcher in the virtual scenario.
The novelty of the concept of virtual pre-professional practices in the training of the teacher-researcher of the UNAE lies in its innovative conception that favors the articulation with the virtual and distance educational practice carried out by MINEDUC, the reflection on the theories involved in the improvement of the teaching-learning process in the school.
An Internship Plan built by the different careers is proposed, adjusted to their educational contexts of practical training and graduate profile, which guarantees the accompaniment through academic tutoring, educational innovation of activities, resources and products created for the educational improvement of the school in emergency situations, as well as the monitoring and attention to the situations of vulnerability presented by the interns during their training.


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How to Cite

Liy, L. de la C. M. R., Odalys Fraga Luque, & Marco Vinicio Vásquez Bernal. (2021). Virtual preprofessional practices at the National University of Education UNAE. Mamakuna, (16), 28–38. Retrieved from