The role of the family in the virtual learning processes originated by COVID-19


  • Javier Alejandro Merchán Velasco Autor
  • Carlos Andrés Samaniego Díaz
  • Patricia Maribel Tenesaca Caguana
  • Diana Carolina Lucero Saeteros


Family, virtuality, learning, distance education, technology.


The year 2020 was recorded as a "year to forget", as the appearance of the virus called COVID-19 caused a series of difficulties, problems and adverse circumstances in many countries around the world. The different sectors began to reorganize, planning resources, projects and solutions to this "new reality". Education was no exception, which, in order to avoid mass agglomerations and contagions, developed a program whose main feature was distance education, called virtual mode. The teachers connected with the students through the Internet and technological instruments (zoom, laptops, cell phones and others), but it was the parents who were in charge of the reinforcement, revision, orientation and development of the teaching-learning process of the students. This article will deepen, through a qualitative research of a case study (mother of a family), the functionality of the family within virtual education, the perceptions of the educational subjects about the family function, the processes of mediation of the most significant learning and the implications of family accompaniment in the learning process of children in Basic Education, highlighting mainly the family accompaniment as an indispensable activity in virtual education.


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How to Cite

Merchán Velasco, J. A., Samaniego Díaz, C. A., Tenesaca Caguana, P. M., & Lucero Saeteros, D. C. (2021). The role of the family in the virtual learning processes originated by COVID-19. Mamakuna, (16), 67–76. Retrieved from