"Reading and writing at 5" An experience at CEDFI


  • Rosa Hurtado
  • Ximena Coronel O.


There is always the question of whether four or five is too early for children to learn to read. Psychopedagogy recommends not to do so and, rather, to cultivate other skills that prepare them for school life, where learning to read and write has a preferential place. Parents and teachers always ask themselves: is it good for children to learn to read so early? On the other hand, there are the old practices naturalized over many years (and still present today) that hurried the beginning of learning processes of reading, writing and mathematics. We refer to activities that lead children to repeat the alphabet, vowels, to write them down without any awareness of what they are reciting and their real usefulness. The repeated low results in the reading ability of significant percentages of children in 7th grade of EGB indicate that this is not the right way to go.

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How to Cite

Hurtado, R., & Coronel O., X. (2016). "Reading and writing at 5" An experience at CEDFI. Mamakuna, (3), 8–14. Retrieved from https://revistas.unae.edu.ec/index.php/mamakuna/article/view/42