School project of urban art as a strategy for the sustainability of the Amazonian kichwa culture applied in eighth year students of the UECIB "Amauta Ñanpi
Arte urbano, proyecto escolar, Estrategias Didácticas Artísticas, Cultura Kichwa Amazónica, Educación Intercultural BilingüeAbstract
The work analyzes, explores and collects conceptual data and artistic and cultural urban elements, for the design and application of didactic strategies for the sustainability and strengthening of the Amazonian Kichwa language and culture, through a school art project that has been implemented in the eighth grade of the Intercultural Bilingual Community Education Unit (UECIB) "Amauta Ñanpi". This school art project was structured in five methodological processes: diagnosis, socialization, implementation, development and reflection, which allowed the project to be developed and to obtain timely information regarding the identification, recognition, valuation, strengthening and consolidation of the artistic and cultural practices present in the school context.
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