School feeding in students between 6 and 9 years old in different educational contexts


  • Johanna Arízaga Universidad Nacional de Educación UNAE


Food, habits, comsumption, development, responsability


The present research analyzes the eating habits of students of Basic General Education of the sub elementary level, in schools located in the urban and rural areas. The study has a qualitative approach based on the action research method, which was developed with students between 6 and 8 years old. In addition, to obtain relevant data, an observation guide was developed that allowed the categorization of the collected information, as well as the use of field diaries that were relevant to record what was observed. The results were correlated with quality standards and objective 12 of sustainable development established by the UN. Thus, in the process, the responsibility of the members that conform the educational community was pointed out and at the same time the importance of having healthy habits in the first stages of life was verified, additionally social paradigms were broken regarding food in these two contexts. For all the above reasons, we propose an activity for students of Basic General Education that allows them to learn about the importance of healthy eating, to become aware of the sustainable consumption and production of food, and to promote healthy habits for their lives.


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How to Cite

Arízaga, J. . (2020). School feeding in students between 6 and 9 years old in different educational contexts. Mamakuna, (15), 22–30. Retrieved from