TINI methodology, a practice to achieve the 2030 sustainable development goals


  • Pablo Francisco Mieles Riva Ministerio de Educación
  • Karen Mariuxi Vergara Ibarra Ministerio de Educación


Methodology, sustainable goals, TiNi, practice


The world needs people committed to caring for the natural resources that nature provides us, that is why the United Nations has proposed 17 sustainable development goals for 2030 and it is the duty of the entire nation to guarantee the achievement of these goals, teachers, doctors, lawyers, mayors, presidents, among others. Education is a door that allows the consolidation of a proactive culture, committed to the care of nature.

Those who have carried out the TiNi methodology assure that it is a total success because the students are interested in learning in a different way, where they apply their knowledge with the environment; in itself, it is a positive entity to strengthen and achieve the objectives. Through the implementation of the methodology Tierra de Niñas, Niños y Jóvenes para el Buen Vivir in the country's educational establishments, the aim is for children and adolescents to be responsible, affective, enterprising people who have initiative, know how to care for and love nature, thus allowing the development of a good foundation for sustainability.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Francisco Mieles Riva, Ministerio de Educación

Pablo Francisco Mieles Rivas, lives in the Falcones neighborhood of the Santa Ana canton, obtained his Bachelor's degree in Education Sciences, mentioning Basic General Education, he is currently studying a Master's degree at the International University of La Rioja, he performs the functions of teacher in the Dr. Medardo Cevallos Mieles School of Basic Fiscal Education of the Portoviejo canton, belonging to the province of Manabí.

Karen Mariuxi Vergara Ibarra, Ministerio de Educación

Karen Mariuxi Vergara Ibarra, lives in the Falcones neighborhood of the Santa Ana canton, obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Education Sciences, mention in Basic General Education, currently pursues a Master's degree at the International University of La Rioja, performs the functions of teacher in the Educational Unit XXI century Mariscal de Ayacucho from the parish of Ayacucho, Santa Ana canton, belonging to the province of Manabí.


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How to Cite

Pablo Francisco Mieles Rivas, & Vergara Ibarra, K. M. (2020). TINI methodology, a practice to achieve the 2030 sustainable development goals. Mamakuna, (15), 32–43. Retrieved from https://revistas.unae.edu.ec/index.php/mamakuna/article/view/405