Microprojects as a strategy for employment orientation in students with intellectual disabilities of the Special Education Unit of Azuay


  • Michelle Patricia Marín Procel 0939701694
  • Jorge Adrián Simbaña Briones


Discapacidad intelectual, micro proyectos, habilidades adaptativas y orientación laboral


The special schools provide a comprehensive training to children and young people with special educational needs associated with intellectual disability, solving every need that students have. Therefore, some institutions manage a functional ecological curriculum with the purpose of preparing students for daily life, this is the case of the Special Educational Unit of Azuay, which provides training in pre-workshops and occupational workshops that guide a process of integral formation. Based on this, this research aims to develop micro-projects as a strategy for job orientation in students with intellectual disabilities, getting them on the way to work. Therefore, two micro-projects have been designed, focused on the design, elaboration and distribution of the product; developing and strengthening communication, organization, manuals and self-direction skills. Each microproject is evaluated during its process considering simple aspects in each activity such as: order, memorization, sequencing, etc. This strategy contributes significantly to the formation and labor projection of the students being an interesting, dynamic and novel way to guide them to a good development in their future work, in addition, to motivate them to form their own micro company.


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How to Cite

Marín Procel , M. P. ., & Simbaña Briones, J. A. (2020). Microprojects as a strategy for employment orientation in students with intellectual disabilities of the Special Education Unit of Azuay. Mamakuna, (15), 72–80. Retrieved from https://revistas.unae.edu.ec/index.php/mamakuna/article/view/399