Digital content for teaching and learning in the social environment


  • Óscar Antonio Martínez Molina


These changes in the use of technology go beyond the use of machines and new ways of connecting and learning, of searching for information and of publishing one's own information. Competition in a global world, understood as the set of resources that are put in place to solve problems and propose alternatives, requires the ability to know how to select the correct information from an abundance of literature in order to optimize the teaching and learning process at all levels. The importance of technology in the educational field has surpassed the barrier of what is credible. It is probable that, for the near future, computer-led classes are being lived in the present. Thus, the education model requires an attitudinal change in people, together with a modification of policies in institutions, especially in education institutions that are inclusive for all, allowing for the development of the dimensions of education expressed in the report presented by Jacques Delors to UNESCO entitled "Learning: The Treasure Within". These pillars are: Learning to Be, Learning to Know, Learning to Do, Learning to Live Together and Entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Martínez Molina, Óscar A. . (2016). Digital content for teaching and learning in the social environment. Mamakuna, (2), 68–78. Retrieved from