Specific competences for the integration of artificial intelligence in educational planning





artificial intelligence, planning, competences, teaching and learning process, education


Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are in everyday use, so it is imperative that teachers master these technologies to improve their professional performance. This systematic review article identifies key teacher competencies for effectively integrating AI into instructional planning to optimise time and activities. Using the Prism method, the results show that the core competencies include: 1) understanding the principles and applications of AI in education, 2) evaluating and selecting appropriate AI tools, and 3) designing learning activities that use AI capabilities to personalise activities that are explicit in a lesson plan. Effective teacher training programmes combine face-to-face sessions with virtual learning environments and use project-based and real-world problem-solving approaches. The importance of adapting these competences to different educational contexts is also emphasised. The conclusions underline the need to train teachers to take advantage of the opportunities offered by AI, while at the same time addressing the ethical and accountability challenges posed by its integration into teaching.


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How to Cite

Chuñir Panjon, J. (2025). Specific competences for the integration of artificial intelligence in educational planning. Mamakuna, (24), 80–92. https://doi.org/10.70141/mamakuna.24.1050