Educational digital narratives. Harry Potter: a case study



narratives, digital media, educational digital narratives, connected learning, Harry Potter


This study defines the term educational digital narratives based on theoretical concepts such as fictional narratives (Ryan, 2020), new information and communication media (Cabrera, 2022) and the proposal of connected learning (Esteban-Guitart et al., 2020). It also examines whether digital content with a focus closer to fiction has educational value, using the Harry Potter saga as a case study. The results show that fictional narratives generate educational processes such as the formation of digital communities and activism. These findings suggest that fictional narratives promote creative educational processes and that new media facilitate learning by enabling the construction of digital communities. At the same time, key aspects of networked learning are explored for the creation of educational digital narratives, focusing on representation and affinity to generate meaningful educational processes. 


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Author Biography

Christian Jonathan Ángel Rueda , Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui

El Dr. Christian Jonathan Ángel Rueda es de nacionalidad mexicana y ha alcanzado el grado académico más alto de Doctor en Tecnología Educativa. Actualmente, desempeña un cargo de investigador posdoctorante en la Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ) en Querétaro, México.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Tovar, O., & Ángel Rueda , C. J. (2024). Educational digital narratives. Harry Potter: a case study . Mamakuna, (23), 22–33. Retrieved from