Forest school, a learning space in the Chocó Andean and Amazonian Commonwealth



Education, methodologies, reflection, evaluation, forest school


The Forest School methodology presents nature and the environment as a biodiverse learning space and a transformative experience for children, youth, and adults. This article collects the systematiza¬tion of the methodology in Ecuadorian educational practices, analyzing its application in the Andean Choco Mancomunidad, the Pachijal and Intillacta Forest Schools located in the province of Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, where teachers and students from the upper basic and secondary education level of municipal education in Quito participated.
In light of the above, taking into account the pedagogical model of the National University of Education (UNAE) and the teacher professionaliza¬tion process in different support centers, with a focus on the Napo-Tena Support Center, the advantages of using Forest Schools with teachers and students from public educational institutions are presented, aiming to achieve positive results in teaching and learning processes, in the natural context provided by the Amazon, within the framework of the flexible curriculum, educational innovation, and the agreement signed between UNAE and the Ministry of Education of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Carchipulla Llivichuzhca, P. A., & Cuichán Cabezas, M. L. (2023). Forest school, a learning space in the Chocó Andean and Amazonian Commonwealth. Mamakuna, (20). Retrieved from