Teaching Bilingual Education During COVID-19: A Case study in an English School Center in Ecuador





This research was conducted in a private school of Cuenca (Ecuador). The participant school is based on bilingual education, employing CLIL in the teaching and learning process. This study was conducted with the participation of ten teachers and two principals, they collaborated voluntarily by sharing their perceptions and experiences about COVID-19. In this sense, the main aim of this study is to understand the challenges and difficulties that teachers experienced about bilingual education during the pandemic. In order to fulfill this goal, the research is framed within a qualitative approach and centered on a case study owing to a specific place and conditions. It has employed research techniques such as interviews and field diaries to comprehend the reality studied. The collected information was then triangulated, resulting in more robust and solid data. The main findings informed about teacher’s problems with wellbeing, pedagogical changes, and the lack of collaboration of parents during lockdown. These teachers are still concerned about learning losses in their students and conclude that the pandemic represents a real problem for them to face.


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Author Biographies

Ariel Andres Rivera Vasquez, Unidad Educativa Misioneros Oblatos

Magister en Educación Bilingüe por la Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Magister en métodos de Investigación educativa por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación

Diana, Ministerio de Educación

Máster Universitario de la didáctica de la lengua y literatura en educación secundaria y bachillerato por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación


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How to Cite

Rivera Vasquez, A. A., González Rivas, D. A., & González Rivas, J. P. (2023). Teaching Bilingual Education During COVID-19: A Case study in an English School Center in Ecuador. Mamakuna, (20), 61–76. Retrieved from https://revistas.unae.edu.ec/index.php/mamakuna/article/view/801