Virtual Interactive Play Club: A Magical World Between Parents and Children



pandemic, initial education, cerebral palsy, Zoom meetings parents-child, leisure activities club


At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fundación Centro San Juan de Jerusalén (FCSJJ), specialized in comprehensive care of children and adolescents aged 0-18, with neurodevelopmental disorders, sought alternatives, for its Pedagogy area to maintain contact with children from 2 to 6 years old, proposing virtual playful activities. FCSJJ educators created a virtual space on Zoom and Facebook Live, named Club San Juan, and thus they transformed pandemic adversity into an educational opportunity. The objective of this action research was to explore socio-educational practices to promote learning among educators, children, and their families. The methodology used in this research was exploratory and inductive.


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Author Biography

Marie Noëlle Antoine, Universidad de Nice

Marie-Noëlle Antoine: Independent researcher. Doctor of Education, University of Nice (France) and Professional Master of Training Engineering, University of Paris Sorbonne (France). Editor in chief of the GERFLINT magazine (Groupe d'études et de recherches pour le français langue internationale) Synergies Chili between 2013 and 2018. She has dedicated 33 years of her professional life to education and teacher training in different Latin American countries ( Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia). She coordinated the writing of this article.


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How to Cite

Antoine, M. N., Loya Oña, A. M., & Osorio Álvarez, P. (2023). Virtual Interactive Play Club: A Magical World Between Parents and Children. Mamakuna, (20), 91–104. Retrieved from