Masculinity(s) in question. Reflections on Education and Gender from the field of teacher training


  • Blanca Edurne Mendoza Carmona Universidad Nacional de Educación del Ecuador


Men’s studies and masculinity are current knowledge areas that emerge from the feminists’ studies and the discussion on the relation between gender inequality and power. These studies have been strongly criticized because is considered that the focus on masculinity, understood from the idea of hegemonic masculinity, neglects the problems of violence and inequality towards women. However, the understanding of the notion of masculinity as something “fluid” and with the potential for social change has led the academic community to consider new ways of approach it. In consequence, the school is perceived as fundamental space to understand the meanings around the construction of masculinities and make it visible in order to promote a more just and equal society.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Carmona, B. E. . (2019). Masculinity(s) in question. Reflections on Education and Gender from the field of teacher training. Mamakuna, (12), 44–53. Retrieved from