Teacher mediation in the processes of (de)construction of gender in the school
gender, education, teacher mediationAbstract
Gender studies in education (re) present alternatives around how traditional education has been developing in Ecuador. Teacher mediation processes (de)construct gender as a social category in girls and boys, since they are beings that assimilate, reinterpret and (re)produce the discourse of teaching practices. The objective of the research was to analyze teacher mediation in the processes of (de)construction of gender. In this sense, I carried out ethnographic research in the Víctor Gerardo Aguilar Educational Unit, with teachers of the Middle sublevel, from which I identified elements that derive from teacher mediation, such as the approximation and (de)construction of gender stereotypes. I conclude by emphasizing that teacher mediation processes can be analyzed from multiple dimensions and that their impact on children depends on how oral discourses are developed, as well as their practices within the teaching-learning process.
Abelardo. (18/03/2022). Entrevista docente. (J. Cale, Entrevistador).
Mercedes. (10/03/2022). Entrevista docente. (J. Cale, Entrevistador).
Documentos oficiales
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Asamblea Nacional. (2011). Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural. s.e.
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