Women’s Writing in Ecuadorian and Regional Poetry: a Didactic Proposal for Higher Education


  • Juan Fernando Auquilla Díaz UNAE


Literatura femenina, enseñanza aprendizaje de la Literatura, itinerario de Lengua y Literatura, la Literatura nacional regional y universal., Poesía


Those who are involved in a teaching-learning processes of Language and Literature subject, at different levels of Basic Education (BE), and even in Higher Education, know that this subject, in its progress, becomes a constant challenge. In Ecuador, subject organization at BG responds to the configuration: Language and Culture, Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, and Literature. All of these are based on general objectives and components for the achievement of the skills with performance criteria (SPC), and are gradually articulated with the evaluation criteria, methodological guidelines for evaluation, exit profile elements, and indicators for criterion evaluation; all this with the purpose of articulating the educational process. The SPC presented by the Ecuadorian curriculum (2016) are divided into essential and required, so the capacity of teachers in training of Basic Education —Language and Literature itinerary—, and education professionals to articulate new education processes will be key for the learning-teaching process to have the desired effects. 


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How to Cite

Auquilla Díaz, J. F. (2022). Women’s Writing in Ecuadorian and Regional Poetry: a Didactic Proposal for Higher Education . Mamakuna, (19), 34–47. Retrieved from https://revistas.unae.edu.ec/index.php/mamakuna/article/view/688