The Lesson Study. A successful pedagogical experience at the National University of Education
Pluriculturality, Lesson study, systematization of pedagogical experiences, educational praxisAbstract
The objective of this work was to systematize pedagogical experiences on the Lesson Study (LS), experienced by the teachers attached to the National University of Education and the participants of the Professionalization Program of the Intercultural Bilingual Education and Basic Education careers. They belong to the Macas Support Center -Morona Santiago. For the purposes of this study, the method of systematizing experiences was used, according to (Expósito and González, 2017), among others. To this end, a series of results were obtained as follows: it was observed that sharing knowledge is the plus that contributes to enhancing the professional skills for learning communities. The teaching students learned to shed their solitary practices, they dared to expose their weaknesses in order to adapt and develop in a new way of teaching from a collaborative perspective. Each success and failure are the result of the joint work for those who have being in “doing for knowing”. It was socialized the experience of the application of the LS, with others teachers of the educational institutions. It is concluded that the participating students discovered new ways of studying their practice, such as the application of the LS. It was evident advance and progress unveiling uncertainties involved in the most complex cases.
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