Pedagogical practice in virtual classes with students of the Technical Baccalaureate of the Specialized Unit Andrés Francisco Córdova



Discapacidad intelectual, bachillerato técnico, educación virtual, acompañamiento socioemocional, TIC.


The present investigation of qualitative objective of explaining the experience of the practical form of  Information and communications technology (TICS) with the focus on different strategies of pedagogy and didactics to motivate the students in the virtual studies of the Technical Bachelors Degree of Hoteliers Services of which are intellectually disabled. It was observed during the pedagogy process and didactics implemented in the first quinmester of studies contributed to the attention, interaction, reducing stress, and retention of learning, during the synchronized meetings with all involved in the group. On the other hand, the strategy implementation of emotional competence allowed us to create in the classroom a spirit of resilience which assisted in their emotional well being and comprehensive development, giving them the tools needed in order to develop the skills to confront the COVID 19 pandemic.


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Author Biography

Diego Vinicio Montero Diaz, Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador

Docente del sistema nacional de nivelación y admisión en la universidad Estatal Amazónica
Docente de la Unidad de educación Especializada Andrés Francisco Córdova
Maestrante en Educación por la Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil


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How to Cite

Montero Diaz, D. V. (2021). Pedagogical practice in virtual classes with students of the Technical Baccalaureate of the Specialized Unit Andrés Francisco Córdova. Mamakuna, (17), 28–35. Retrieved from