Ethnomathematical proposal 'Yupaywan Pukllay' to develop the number sense in first grade students from the Escuela de Educación Básica de Innovación UNAE.


  • Wilmer Fernando Quinde Sánchez UNAE



Infant education, ethnomathematics, khipu, number sense


This research aims to implement an ancestral resource such as khipu for the development of number sense in first grade students from the Escuela de Educación Básica de Innovación UNAE. The main objective in the area of ​​mathematics in early childhood education is the construction of the concept of quantity-number by the child. A participatory action research implemented under the qualitative paradigm, the quality of the interpretation of the facts in their own nature. The participants were 28 children, between women and men, ages 5 and 6, from the secondary level (first grade) of the Escuela de Educación Básica de Innovación UNAE. The Ethnomathematical proposal entitled Yupaywan Pukllay was based on the counting principles proposed by Gelman and Gallister for the understanding of number in early childhood. After the implementation of the proposal with the khipu in the process of teaching and learning the number and quantity developed, it will come that the students have the sense of number and the understanding of the number, it will be identified with the help of the parents that the students have reached different levels of acquisition of cantinela.


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How to Cite

Quinde Sánchez, W. F. (2021). Ethnomathematical proposal ’Yupaywan Pukllay’ to develop the number sense in first grade students from the Escuela de Educación Básica de Innovación UNAE. Mamakuna, (17), 8–17.