The design of a learning environment in the course of mathematics using ICT



Enviroment, learning, mathematics, ITC


The present project is developed in the subject of mathematics with students of the tenth year of General Basic Education, where it was found that, although the teacher performs a good pedagogical practice, he or she does not make use of ICT, so the following research question is posed: How to improve the learning environment in the process of teaching and learning of inequalities through the use of ICT?

The project was assumed from a socio-critical paradigm and a qualitative approach. During the intervention, it was observed that the students responded positively since they were active and participative. In addition, the relationship between students and teachers improved considerably, showing that math classes are not boring, and it is the teacher's task to look for more enjoyable ways for the student to understand and acquire the expected concepts.


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How to Cite

Uyaguari Fernández, N. I. ., & Pillcorema Lema, S. (2020). The design of a learning environment in the course of mathematics using ICT. Mamakuna, (14), 10–22. Retrieved from