Geogebra as an educative tranformation tool in Maths


  • Juan Carlos Mora Saavedra Universidad Nacional de Educaci´ón


GeoGebra, Mathematic, Tic, Learning, Knowledge


The investigation allowed us evaluate the effects the application of GeoGebra to the students of Basica superior in the teaching of Matematicts Subject in order to solve reasoning problems and communicate matematicts.

This study was done in two phases: the first one was the application of traditional teaching, in the second step, was use the software GeoGebra. At the end of each phase the respective evaluation was done to the educaters.  Its resuls after the use of GeoGebra were significative in the teaching of matematicts.

The hermeneutics about this subject Starts from writing, comprehention and interpreting the concepts Writing in the texts and also the personal experiences of teachers in order to get a wide view about this subject.

Finally the triangular between the theory, the author´s experiences and the results of the research concludes that: The moment the teacher innoves the ways of teaching Matematics, the students seems to learn in a better and fast way the objectives gave to them, and also the students are able to construct their own knoledge, this knoledge allows them to put into practics right away in the resolution of daily problems, by doing this they generate generate a significative learning concerning to matematicts in conexion with GeoGebra.


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How to Cite

Mora Saavedra, J. C. . (2020). Geogebra as an educative tranformation tool in Maths. Mamakuna, (14), 70–81. Retrieved from