Technology: successful experiences for education Knowledge integration project, building from the base of digital illiteracy


  • Jaime Iván Ullauri Ullauri Universidad Nacional de Educación del Ecuador


Educating oneself is a challenge, but so is living in the 21st century. Technological evolution and its links to all aspects of human life, and especially to the construction of knowledge, demands digital literacy. Today, education must be a space for the construction of non-traditional knowledge, it must understand and appropriate the strategies and tools for teaching and learning that are suitable for facilitating and promoting the development of authentic learning. The preparation of teachers for the 21st century must include the correct handling and use of the different ICT tools for their use in the classroom and in their daily work. It is also necessary to make visible the existence of a digital gap, which is defined as the difficulty of access to technologies and digital infrastructure that hinder the development of learning (Maya Álvarez, 2008).


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How to Cite

Ullauri Ullauri, J. I. . (2016). Technology: successful experiences for education Knowledge integration project, building from the base of digital illiteracy. Mamakuna, (2), 16–25. Retrieved from