Cooperative education


  • Iván González Aguirre


Although the current fashion deformed the concept of social class, a concept, otherwise, little worked and not at all accurate, it is possible to argue that education serves and has served to impose the values of the dominant classes, which, for this case, without entering into tedious discussions, it will be sufficient to divide society into dominant and dominated which is an objective classification and difficult to deny. As the relations of domination are not immutable, neither are the social classes, cultures and forms of education, each one obeying its own historical processes. Without ignoring centuries of history, due to its current influence, it is convenient to make a brief review from the colonial era in search of the roots of cooperative education.


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How to Cite

González Aguirre , I. . (2017). Cooperative education . Mamakuna, (4), 42–48. Retrieved from