Innovating to educate: learning math with context


  • Sharon Jazmín Peralta Calderón Universidad Nacional de Educación del Ecuador
  • Pablo Eduardo Tinoco Espinoza Universidad Nacional de Educación del Ecuador


context, innovation, cooperative


The student has a good school performance when he is motivated and interested in the classes that he receives. When planning the classes you must remember the diversity of strategies, techniques, resources and methodologies that exist and that facilitate learning. In the article presents a creative and innovative proposal aimed to a contextualized education, that is to say, to make the learning of mathematical curriculars contents taking into account the context; it is intended that students learn the content and give you useful for their daily lives. Within the proposed emphasis to the context to use it as a resource, or stage of learning. The context is part of the student; each student is different, have their needs, hobbies, and interests that arise depending on your environment; if classes have the objective of covering and/or enhance the characteristics of the students achieved a significant learning in them.


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How to Cite

Peralta Calderón, S. J., & Tinoco Espinoza , P. . E. . . (2018). Innovating to educate: learning math with context. Mamakuna, (8), 76–85. Retrieved from