Mamakuna <p align="justify">The Mamakuna Journal is an informative, refereed, four-monthly, open-access publication published by the National University of Education in Ecuador. The publication aims to disseminate nationally and internationally research work by teachers, based on their teaching practice, in language accessible to society.</p> Universidad Nacional de Educación es-ES Mamakuna 1390-9940 Inclusive teaching strategies in Early Education career: systematization of experiences <p>This work exposes the educational experience of a group of teachers from the Initial Education career of the National University of Education (UNAE), during the academic period of the second semester of 2022, in the subjects corresponding to the practice and professorship of the seventh cycle (Inclusion , diversity and interculturality in educational institutions and Design and development of personalized teaching processes: child inclusion in Initial Education), where they carried out several activities that promoted a direct approach to teaching strategies —focused on inclusion and attention to diversity— considering particularities such as special educational needs and interculturality. The present work has a qualitative approach and the methodology applied was the systematization of experiences to recreate the activities carried out and interpret their influence on the students' learning. The results were framed in significant pedagogical learning experiences by developing them in real environments and situations focused on inclusion and diversity.</p> María Dolores Flores María Victoria González Vargas Lida Cristina Pesántez Carrión Copyright (c) 2024 Mamakuna 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 22 8 21 Reading environment: sensitizer of diversity in early childhood <p>The research is presented from the experience documented, with infants from 3 to 4 years old in a municipal child development center in the city of Cuenca, Azuay. The scarce application of spaces that enhance attention to diversity through collective learning was evident as an educational need. A theoretical analysis was developed on the main bases of attention to diversity and the reading environment as an enhancer of diversity. At a methodological level, the qualitative approach and the participatory action research (PAR) method were applied, seeking to transform the educational reality through inquiry, action and reflection. Various techniques and instruments were applied: participant observation, interview, SWOT, observation guide and documentation. The main results show the approach achieved in addressing the diversity of the classroom, from understanding the other ways that children have to express themselves, using their need and interest in stories based on them. The proposal applied was evaluated by the institution’s educators, where it was concluded that the reading environment is a space that allows the diversity of boys and girls to be addressed.</p> Verónica Gabriela Tacuri Albarracín Irma Jaqueline Fajardo Pacheco Copyright (c) 2024 Mamakuna 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 22 22 35 Didactic resources for teaching science in the third year of basic education <p>This article presents the results of research on the use of traditional and digital teaching resources in the third year of basic education at the Daniel Córdova Toral School in the city of Azogues. Taking as reference the subject of Natural Sciences, the process implemented by the guiding teacher to achieve learning based on traditional strategies is described. At this point, problems related to traditional pedagogy are identified and, consequently, a didactic tool based on applied science is proposed to improve this process, which was designed and implemented within the framework of pre-professional practices of sixth cycle students of the National University of Education. Finally, this research uses an interpretive paradigm, a qualitative approach and a descriptive scope to understand the phenomenon to be analyzed.</p> Kevin Peñaloza Suconota Diego Lozado Sumba Jhon Chuva Muy Copyright (c) 2024 Mamakuna 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 22 37 47 Teaching strategies supported by ITC for teaching mathematics <p>This article aims to analyze the impact of strategies supported by ICT for teaching mathematics to fifth-year students of the Luis Cordero Educational Unit. These strategies constitute dynamic, innovative processes that contribute to the generation of significant learning in the subject. The methodology used focuses on action research; as an interpretive paradigm, so that it contributed with arguments to achieve the consolidation of learning in the subject of mathematics. A qualitative approach is presented, which allowed the analysis and interpretation of the problem under study. Techniques such as observation, survey and instruments: field diary and questionnaire contributed to the precision of the problem. The results show that strategies supported by ICT promote meaningful learning, motivation and commitment of students in their educational process.</p> Elsa Isabel Mainato Sanaguaray Verónica Alexandra Rodríguez Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2024 Mamakuna 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 22 48 59 orkshop based on universal design for learning (UDL) and design thinking to generate inclusive learning experiences <p>This article presents the process of creating a training workshop within the project Universal Design for Learning and Design Thinking for the Generation of Inclusive Learning Experiences. The problem is the teacher’s lack of knowledge about the inclusive education approach, as well as the barriers they encounter when planning learning experiences for all their students. The workshop was articulated through the design thinking scheme and was carried out with the teachers of the Escuela de Educación Básica de Innovación de la UNAE. The research is based on a socio-critical paradigm, with a qualitative approach and the participatory action research methodology. The semi-structured interview was applied to collect information as well as content analysis and triangulation to extract results; they show confusion and lack of knowledge about the inclusive education approach, about the tools to plan for all, as well as mistrust about the teachers’ own creative capacity.</p> María Gabriela Guillén Guerrero María Eugenia Ochoa Guerrero Paulina Elizabeth Mejía Cajamarca Leslie Aracely Mejía Cajamarca Copyright (c) 2024 Mamakuna 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 22 61 74 Virtual reality in 3D: a tool for promoting educative inclusion <p>This research proposes the use of 3D virtual reality to achieve educational inclusion in the Natural Sciences subject. The methodology used was qualitative, based on participatory action research (PAR). A documentary review focused on knowledge of the universal learning design (ULD) was also applied to investigate the perceptions, experiences, interactions and experiences regarding the use of 3D virtual reality —and its didactic guides— in a context of inclusion. As a result, more meaningful and inclusive training was obtained in the classroom. Finally, it is concluded that 3D virtual reality can be an effective tool to promote educational inclusion and turn learning into a meaningful and valuable experience.</p> Gina Verdugo Guamán Patricia Ramón Pacurucu Copyright (c) 2024 Mamakuna 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 22 76 87 Impact of daily reading on the cognitive development of nighttime PCEI students in Bahía de Caráquez, 2023 <p>This study addresses the complexities related to reading for pleasure among students of the PCEI Fiscal Nocturna Bahía de Caráquez Educational Unit. The results obtained reveal a considerable gap between this and academic reading, highlighting the need to implement pedagogical strategies that facilitate a harmonious integration of both practices. Despite the positive disposition of students towards the exploration of new literary genres, the low frequency of participation in reading for pleasure points to the existence of substantial challenges. On the other hand, the research uses a qualitative approach and applies inductive, deductive, analytical and synthetic methods to analyze the problem. The collection of primary information was carried out through a questionnaire applied to 113 students with the objective of collecting their perceptions about the influence of reading for pleasure on their academic performance and cognitive development.</p> Rita Murillo Mesia Copyright (c) 2024 Mamakuna 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 22 88 99 Learning experience for oral language stimulation in pre-primary through children’s literature <p>The global health crisis caused by COVID-19 affected all areas of daily life. At the educational level, for example, the modality of teaching changed from face-to-face to virtual, causing isolation and communication difficulties for students, especially those in the initial sub-level. Based on the above, this article presents the results of the application of a learning experience applied to a group of pre-primary students of the Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón Educational Unit, in which literature is proposed as a resource to promote linguistic competences. It also recognises the importance of family participation in this process. Finally, this work was based on a qualitative methodology and the use of tools such as participant observation, interviews and surveys in order to extract significant information about the pedagogical experience.</p> Joseline Katherine Guanuchi Morocho Evelyn Carmen Sarmiento Calle Copyright (c) 2024 Mamakuna 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 22 101 110